别墅介绍 Selected Houses

悉尼西北Box Hill精品别墅【Albert Park】西北之巅

中央海岸Central Coast 近水且便利精品联排别墅

悉尼西南Cobbitty别墅【Oxley Ridge】未来西南中心

悉尼西南Leppington花园别墅 – 未来西南商业核心地带

悉尼西南bardia 近火车站大型便利社区别墅

悉尼西北Schofiels- 近火车站别墅

公寓介绍 Selected Apartments

悉尼 Rouse Hill中心位置【Proximity】精品公寓


悉尼 Epping -【Tilia】雅静优质精品公寓

World Trade Center in Western Sydney

Oran Park Podium Stage 2 Expansion

M4-M5 Link: mainline tunnels

Sydney Metro: Central Station metro upgrade

Western Sydney Infrastructure Plan Overview

Australia’s Biggest Public Transport Project

Western Sydney Aerotropolis Development

Western Sydney – Sydney’s new airport

Investing Tips form Warren Buffet 巴菲特的投资技巧

  1. "We simply attempt to be fearful when others are greedy and to be greedy when others are fearful."


  2. "Our favourite holding period is forever."


  3. "Risk comes from not knowing what you're doing."


  4. "It's better to hang out with people better than you... Pick out associates whose behaviour is better than yours and you'll drift in that direction."


  5. "Only when the tide goes out do you discover who's been swimming naked."




视频资料 Video Information

How The Economic Machine Works







