悉尼 Melrose Park城市更新【Melrose Central】精品公寓


Melrose Central项目属于新州政府重点项目Melrose Park Urban Renewal Precinct的重要组成部分,整个项目占地55公顷,是一个位于悉尼CBD西北部14公里处的彻底改变地区面貌的城市改造项目,由澳大利亚大型优质开发商Deicorp倾力打造。

项目名称:Melrose Central

区域位置:Melrose Park





Melrose Central做为整个区域规划最重要的项目,也是该区域Town Centre。项目包括3万平方米的多层购物中心,内部包括Medical Centre,Gym,ChildCare和部分办公场所,再往上就是空中花园和住宅。

在Melrose Central建成后配合第四期Village楼下的社区型商业,让Melrose Park居民的生活便利水平得到本质提升。

Melrose Park社区已经配有免费的Shuttle Bus,可以将住户从社区内接驳到Meadowbank的火车和轮渡;当Light Rail建成后会直接在社区门口经过,连接Parramatta到Olympic Park。

另外Metro未来规划从Parramatta连接Syd Uni 和 UNSW一路向东到达Coogee! 住户的出行将更便捷!

Melrose Park的绿化与自然环境也是整体规划的一部分,在Melrose Central居住,A栋&B栋每套都享公园景观。

council也将会建立一座全新public school就在小区旁! Melrose Park还将成为一个智慧城市,应用先进技术监测环境状况,收集雨水进行灌溉,并提供手机应用程序、快速的宽带网络连接等便利设施。


目前该项目正接受EOI (Expression of Interest)内部预注册, 名额有限, 抓紧联系了解更多情况:

Nicholas Yang      0415088832



1. 优先选择性价比最高或是位置最好远挑city和Parramatta河景的户型

2. 价格透明

3. 最早锁定价格, 享受未来增长红利




Payce, Deicorp Team Up on $700m West Sydney Centre

Payce, the Australian owned property company behind the Melrose Park precinct, and privately owned developer Deicorp will join forces to deliver a key retail and residential site on the multi-billion-dollar western Sydney project.

The agreement on the latest $700-million development follows the New South Wales department of planning’s decision earlier this month to rezone the land from general industrial to a mix of residential, open space, educational, retail and commercial uses.

Known as Melrose Central, it will form the main service, entertainment and shopping area for the entire 55ha Melrose Park precinct, about 7km east of Parramatta.

The development will include 500 apartments, 30,000sq m of retail space, a 4000-sq-m private hospital, a medical centre, supermarkets, childcare and a gymnasium.

Critically, it will have its own station on stage two of the Parramatta Light Rail link.  Last month, NSW premier Dominic Perrottet said his government would push ahead with the second stage of the $2.4-billion infrastructure project.
